Tuesday, 23 September 2008

.NET Documentation Tool 9.2 (C#/VB.NET)

The .NET Documentation Tool code documentor tool automatically builds comprehensive technical software documentation for .NET Framework applications written in VB.NET or C#. Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access databases associated with the application may also be documented if required. There is enhanced functionality for documenting ASP.NET web applications.

Reports are created in HTML [sample], Microsoft's HTML Help [sample], word processor compatible RTF [sample], XML [sample] and text [sample] formats. Color coded, syntax highlighted copies of the .NET and SQL code are included with the reports. The compiled HTML Help reports include fully searchable source code, making the .NET Documentation Tool an invaluable utility in understanding your (or someone else's!) applications. Code documentors for ASP and Visual Basic 6.0 are also available.

Changes in version 9.2 of the .NET Documentation Tool are:
  • Improved the documentation of namespaces.

  • There is a new DisplayParentFolderName configuration option (shown as "Display Parent Folder Name" in the GUI). If selected, this option causes the .NET Documentation Tool to include the folder name of files being documented in the documentation. This option improves the display of documentation for projects that span multiple folder locations. For example, if a project was located in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SalesWebsite and C:\components\Web\CommonComponents, the .NET Documentation Tool will create top level folder names of "SalesWebsite" and "CommonComponents" within the documentation. This is particularly beneficial for the HTML Help formatted output. It also makes it more straightforward to document your entire code library and compile it into a single, searchable HTML Help file.

  • Improved regular expression pattern matching error handling.

  • Improved spacing of links in bottom right hand frame of HTML report.

  • Revised help: added SQL Server 2005 sample connection string, added DisplayMethods to table of contents, added DisplayParentFolderName to the list of configuration options.

    Download the .NET Documentation Tool Evaluation Version.NET Documentation Tool Trial Version

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

.NET Documentation Tool 9.1 (C#/VB.NET)

The .NET Documentation Tool code documentor tool automatically builds comprehensive technical software documentation for .NET Framework applications written in VB.NET or C#. Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access databases associated with the application may also be documented if required. There is enhanced functionality for documenting ASP.NET web applications.

Reports are created in HTML [sample], Microsoft's HTML Help [sample] and text [sample] formats. Color coded, syntax highlighted copies of the .NET and SQL code are included with the reports. The compiled HTML Help reports include fully searchable source code, making the
.NET Documentation Tool an invaluable utility in understanding your (or someone else's!) applications. Versions for ASP and Visual Basic 6.0 are also available.

Changes in version 9.1 of the .NET Documentation Tool are: