Monday, 13 August 2007

Index Server Companion 3.2

The Index Server Companion is a web crawler utility that allows Microsoft Index Server/Indexing Services to index content from remote websites (including those running Apache on Linux/Unix) and ODBC databases. Version 3.2 offers the following update:
  • It is now possible to crawl SSL (https) websites with the Index Server Companion.

SSL support should work immediately if you are using the compiled version (i.e. IndexServerCompanion.exe). If, however, you are using the Perl script, then you will need to ensure that the and IO-Socket-SSL modules are installed.

To do this for ActiveState's ActivePerl, do the following:

Open a command prompt and type the following:

Note that if you are using ActiveState's ActivePerl 5.8.x the URL in the instructions above should be set to instead. Type perl- v at the command prompt to find the version you are using.

If both and IO-Socket-SSL modules install properly then you should be able to access SSL sites using the Perl script.